Friday, April 17, 2015

The 3 Best Things You Can Do To Help Alleviate Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia?

Hey, there my name is Cory Martinez. I am 42
years old. I have 4 awesome kids and an amazing

husband!  I live in a wonderful, beautiful, small town, In Northern California. I am so blessed because of this and countless more ways….I AM blessed, but I suffered from Fibromyalgia for about ten years now.  For those who are unfamiliar with the condition, let me describe what it is like for you.  It is waking up every day, with chronic pain over your entire body.  To make it worse, other symptoms are chronic fatigue, memory problems, Focus problems, and more. The emotional aspects are even worse.  Imagine what it is like to feel completely useless.  Imagine how it feels to feel like a prisoner in your own skin! Imagine pain and fatigue hold you back from living how you want to live!  Living with Fibromyalgia is like that every day!  

What are in my opinion the 3 best things you can do to help alleviate symptoms of Fibromyalgia?

1.   Eliminate “Trigger” Foods:  I found that certain foods can trigger pain and inflammation and fatigue.  I now avoid the foods that are my inflammation triggers!  (To see what foods are triggers for me and what I avoid check out The 10 Bad Food Webinar on Eating to Help Fibromyalgia, Click Here!)
2.      Take your supplements!  The human body needs many vitamins and minerals to have optimum health. I cannot state the absolute importance of having all of  the 90 nutrients the body needs to function correctly. 

3.      Get Off Your Prescription Medications!  
 One of the biggest reasons people die in North America is from prescription side effects! Now I understand that these medications may relieve symptoms, but at what cost? Your life? Do not take my word for it, next time you see a commercial for one of these medications to treat Fibromyalgia or auto-immune disorders, look at the side effects!  Death, Lymphoma as in CANCER!  There is a huge list of very serious side effects!    I suggest having a conversation with your doctor. See how you can safely get off your prescriptions. 

In my experience the only way Doctors and Rheumatologist know how to “help” Fibromyalgia is to prescribe toxic medications! The only thing their advice has done for me is almost kill me and cost me money! 

  What has made the difference for me has been: 1. Giving up trigger foods.  2. Proper Supplementation. and 3. Getting off prescription medication.   Some of my most loved foods are triggers for me, but I would be crazy to prefer to take a pill that could possibly kill me just so I can have the pleasure of eating foods that are bad for me.  I think my family deserves better from me!  I think you deserve better than that too! 

If you or anyone you know is Needs Help for Fibromyalgia or other health problems, I encourage you to share this information, Get informed, get better!

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