My Story

So you're reading my blog and you are asking yourself "who is Cory Martinez anyway?".I am just a normal person who has been through extraordinary circumstances. I am the person who has been sick for 10 years suffering with Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Obesity and not to mention GERD, IBS and all the fun symptoms that are associated with theses conditions. I really do know how it feels to be hopeless, tired, sick and like no one understands the constant crushing pain. If you are dealing with
any kind of illness, You are the reason I am doing this blog! I was so hopeless, my health was deteriorating by the day, I was praying for God to help me, and HE DID! The best thing I ever did was find 2 amazing Doctors. I will tell you more about my Doctors later) You see, I finally had a realization. If anything was going to get better it was up to me. Statement: IF IT IS MEANT TO BE IT IS UP TO ME!! If you want different results than you have now, you have to change! There is no magic prescription pill that is going to make you better! There are somethings you can't control in this world, like your diagnosis (or lack of a diagnosis). However, you can control how you eat and what you let into YOUR body!
Dr.Peter Glidden ND
 There are only a few things that have actually worked for me. First Diet, There are 10 Bad Foods that NO HUMAN BEING SHOULD EVER, EVER EAT!  These foods are bad for everyone, But they are even worse for people with chronic illness and auto-immune disorders. The problem is most people do not know this! The foods you eat are probably making you sick and you do not even know why. This is amazing news because you can eliminate the 10 Bad Foods Immediately from your diet and significantly improve your health! Dr. Peter Glidden ND is an amazing Doctor, and he is on a mission to help you and I get our health back! Dr.Glidden host health webinars I share some of these on my bog, Dr. Glidden has a free webinar on the 10 Bad Foods where he explains what and why these foods are Bad so you can make informed choices (Click Here to see the 10 Bad Food Webinar).  I cant say enough about Dr. Glidden and if you really want to know who Dr.Glidden is go to, If you become an insider you can have access to hundreds of hours of archived webinars and you can hear what Dr. Glidden recommends for specific illnesses! He is just awesome!

Dr.Joel Wallach DVM ND
 The other Doctor I want to share about is Dr.Joel Wallach DVM, ND.
 Dr. Wallach is a hero, his research has saved thousands of lives, he is world renown for his research. He wrote a text book called Diseases of Exotic Animals: Medical and Surgical Management. This book is in the Smithsonian Museum and is considered a national treasure. He has extensive knowledge on animals, the earth and humans and has been published over 70 times! Dr. Wallach is considered one of the most knowledgeable persons in the world when it comes to Medical Nutrition and formulation. Dr. Wallach has done so much for humanity by means of providing clinical medical nutrition for the masses. This is great news for you and me because we now have access to Dr. Wallach's formulations! Before I had access to Dr. Glidden and Dr. Wallach I was terrified that I would end up in a nursing home by the time I was 50! I was in so much pain and I was losing function of my arms and legs, Sometimes I could not even get out of bed! Now I am mostly pain free. I can move my arms again, My stomach problems are better, My mobility is better, I can go on hikes with my family, I am getting better by the day! I hope you understand why I am so passionate about sharing my experience with you. You may be like me or know someone like me, are you the one who puts on a happy face for your children and spouse, are you the one who cries when no one is around because you are scared and feel hopeless as your own body betrays you? Well I want you to know you do not have to live that way anymore! You can start to get your life back!  Do not believe the doctors that say your condition is only going to get worse or there is no cure! When a Doctor says there is no cure, what they are really saying is There is no KNOWN cure! At least they do not know how to help you, but they sure have no problem giving you dangerous, toxic medications that are only designed to treat symptoms, because while you are under "treatment" you will need to go back to the doctor regularly for check ups. Why? Because they know these medications are toxic and they don't want to kill you, just keep you needing them, that's how they get paid!
Ok, so maybe I am a little jaded about MD's, but that is because they have all failed me repeatedly! How is their advice working for you? Are you healthy? Do you have energy? Do you feel better than last year, last week, last month? If your answer is no, then I challenge you to take charge of your health, your life and your diet. Start by watching the 10 bad food and see what you can do to get healthy! I will be here to help you, encourage you and share what is working for me.  Best wishes for your health!

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