Dead Doctor’s Don’t Lie

If DOCTORS really knew the truth about health and longevity they should be living longer than anyone else, not dying sooner?
“Dead DOCTORS Don’t Lie” was created by Dr. Joel Wallach after years of research on the subject of health and longevity. He discovered that the life span of the average doctor in America is several years shorter than that of the average COUCH POTATO. Dr. Wallach began collecting obituaries of doctors only to find that many were dying of simple nutritional deficiencies. This premature death pattern proves that doctors are missing some key elements when it comes to understanding what it takes to  live a longer healthier life…
The Alternative Health “Tell-All” That Makes Doctors Cringe!
Skyrocketing health-care costs today are forcing people to take another look at conventional treatment and know how they can eliminate a major portion of costly medical expenses.
Autobiography of Dr Wallach
Learn how to prevent and reverse 412 diseases with vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and herbs.A 400-page expansion of that highly popular tape. It reveals facts that are opposite from what the medical community has led you to believe.
Don’t WAIT for twenty years of expensive “double blind” studies to learn how to rescue your health.Gain a clear understanding of the importance of having ninety essential nutrients and sixty essential minerals and how they affect your body and health.
Dr. Joel Wallach has published numerous books on dietary deficiencies and their resultant effects. He conducts approximately 300 lectures annually to overflowing and enthusiastic audiences and has sold over 40 million cassettes/CD’s which are recordings of the lecture “Dead DOCTORS Don’t Lie”. The Health Lecture (“Dead DOCTORS Don’t Lie”) - This is a 90-minute recording taken from a live lecture given by Dr. Wallach. It is without a doubt the most popular health lecture in HISTORY with approximately 46 MILLION copies sold worldwide. In fact at least 40 other nutritional companies have used this same tape to market their products. Here are just a few of the startling facts that you will discover on this tape. Highlights from Dead DOCTORS Don’t Lie
There are at least 5 groups of people in the world whose average life span exceeds 100 years. (Find out what they all have in common)Many major diseases have been eliminated in the livestock industry years ago by simple inexpensive nutritional supplementation.ACCORDING to U.S. Senate Document #264, our farmlands have been depleted of essential minerals. This document dates back to 1936.There is no such thing as “Eating Right”. If the minerals aren’t in the soil where the food is grown, they are not in our foods.Our bodies need no less than 90 essential nutrients, and there are as many as 10 deficiency diseases that can result for each nutrient that is missing for any length of time. This is a total of up to 900 diseases that can be prevented with proper nutrition.
We believe that you will find Dead Doctors Don’t Lie to be the most informative common sense approach to health and longevity that you have ever heard. 

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